So what have I learned about life now?

I spent the last 36 hrs in a foetal position bitterly trying to ascertain why the universe is punishing me. This morning it came to me that perhaps the point of life is not to be happy but just to live.We have been put on this earth for a journey; through light and dark, success and failure, joy and grief.

A state of eternal happiness is not allowed because it represents a stagnation of life and a deviation from the point of our creation. For the last several years I have considered my life to be lucky; to be heading in the direction of completeness; with career, amazing friends, mental health and romantic relationship all finally coming together.

Now, one of the things I value most has been taken away from me. Regardless of why it happened, I have to accept that completeness is an illusion and that struggle is mandatory.Something will always be taken away on this journey; whether or not we feel it’s justified. The only time one can feel completeness is at the end of one’s lifetime;when in retrospect, the entire struggle has yielded a positive result. Until that day comes, do the best you can and accept all steps of the journey…

Yury Shamis